Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall...

Hey blog, nothing has happened really out of the ordinary... I went bowling with peeps i usually don't hang with anymore lance,kelsey hines, britty, greg, and sunshine. Wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be and alot better then being bored. So yeah looking forward to the dance this thursday hahaha Just gotta frighten kevin breau... so he leaves. ahhh The winter carnival team thing is going horribly... we may not play at the v show cause well no one is practicing and just no commitment altogether.... I'd like to organize this to go right but no one is being supportive and no one is doing a thing to help.... everything is so randomly put together... I guess that isn't much of my style... Other news... Ashley someone... found out I have a crush on her... wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't taken.... and her boyfriend and me just don't get along at all... We hated each other for over a year and almost ended up fighting once or twice. *sigh* My love life is so confusing I look so many different girls... they all live to far away basically... well except ashley but she's taken. Monica, Ashley, and that other girl that I can't mention because some of the people who read this will get mad at me for liking her.... anyways I keep failing my drivers permit... for 3 times now... sooo no way of getting around unless running or biking counts. My grad ring came in :) looks really nice haha. Well thats pretty much it oh ya! SNOW DAY!!!! :D.... and boredom :(

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