Thursday, February 26, 2009

When Things fall apart..

Hey Blog peoples... This week is going not to well... Once again my self esteem is at all time low... im doing a assignment on this book "Things Fall Apart" its really sweet. The main character Okonkwo sadly reminds me of myself. Through the novel he fears to be like his his father... weak and indebt... and through the novel he fears being weak to the point that he kills himself instead of being captured by the weak white man. I really don't like that road... I don't wanna go on some big ramble about my life blowing cause well people got it worse off then i do. Its probably just me.. its like whenever im at school people talk to me like im special or something... like really... Good news is people like my grad ring and rugby tomorrow. Bad news is that monica has been taken by some guy lol more like my ex co-worker... he's a asshole anyways. I can't really see myself in a long distance relationship in high school... Sometimes they just aren't worth it... Parents get involved, friends get involved.... and for some reason i keep getting the drinkers,druggies, whores and if they aren't one of those they are usually all three of them.... I have no idea what im gonna do after high school rugby to control my anger.. like what happened to me? grade 9 and 10 I was the good kid that would never get angry and was content with just sitting at home and playing video games. If this is maturity i definetly don't like it.. not one bit... blah like i don't know i try to take a break from relationships.. But it isn't exactly working I guess but then again i haven't been in a relationship yet soooo im not worried.

Things Fall Apart

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall...

Hey blog, nothing has happened really out of the ordinary... I went bowling with peeps i usually don't hang with anymore lance,kelsey hines, britty, greg, and sunshine. Wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be and alot better then being bored. So yeah looking forward to the dance this thursday hahaha Just gotta frighten kevin breau... so he leaves. ahhh The winter carnival team thing is going horribly... we may not play at the v show cause well no one is practicing and just no commitment altogether.... I'd like to organize this to go right but no one is being supportive and no one is doing a thing to help.... everything is so randomly put together... I guess that isn't much of my style... Other news... Ashley someone... found out I have a crush on her... wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't taken.... and her boyfriend and me just don't get along at all... We hated each other for over a year and almost ended up fighting once or twice. *sigh* My love life is so confusing I look so many different girls... they all live to far away basically... well except ashley but she's taken. Monica, Ashley, and that other girl that I can't mention because some of the people who read this will get mad at me for liking her.... anyways I keep failing my drivers permit... for 3 times now... sooo no way of getting around unless running or biking counts. My grad ring came in :) looks really nice haha. Well thats pretty much it oh ya! SNOW DAY!!!! :D.... and boredom :(

Friday, February 13, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great practice today! interesting as well! xD my cousin unsuspectly joined the girls rugby team! hahaha i wonder why.... *cough* greg *cough*. Sooo yeah I really think im improving my game. I fell at my peek! I just gotta keep my grades up and I maybe going to Rothesay :) my only wish right now is to go there and play....*crosses fingers* WOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Maybe I'll be sorry when your gone!(8)

Soooooo yeahhhh felt like writing soooo here it goes.... Went to Mandy's birthday party twas sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! haha ahhhhh sang some pretty cool songs on singstar or something twas amazing! ahhhhhhhh just check this out :)
[c=4] м . я . ℓ . ¢ ; [/c=3] says:
all week, whenever i came online, and if i dont see the name 'Evan' online, i just sign out and go off & read or watch tv.

Seems like someone is in love with me :)))))))) hehehehe
but yeah we'll see

Friday, February 6, 2009

Welcome my son welcome to the machine!

Soo rugby rugby rugby rugby............................RUGBY! Yes I think im putting myself more out there in the team. Its great I don't put the shell in shelley anymore ahaha. ahhhhh I scratched my knuckle alittle, got stepped on like 1 million times! ahhhhh I feel so much better this year playing this year. Last year was more of releasing alot of steam this year im doing it, laughing, having fun, dancing, joking around I love it. Alas though I still have two goals this year. 1. Play at Rothesay 2. Play against JMH.... The Jmh game won't be that excited for me though cause I really wanted to go head to head with flannagan but oh well there are other targets prehaps this Nick lad will put up a fight we'll have to wait and seee..... hahaha whilst in political science class I got this urge to become a politican. Im going for the RCMP thing first though and then go for it after maybe 20 years? Oh yeah back on the rugby topic :) today we were practicing with the girls cause they have no coach and my goddddddddd mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well except 20 of them. ahhhhh Sarah seems to have cooled down her anger towards me last year. We probably won't be best friends or friends but hey I choose that route a long time ago when I decided to be friends with the blue crew and stuff. Just glad the circle of my life is almost perfect. Just one more special person and I will be set... Anyways im on a rant as you can see by the bad grammer and all that fun stuff. Sooooo till next time....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sweetness =)

Well Im still sore from rugby practice haha oh well. Ahhh im actually doing well in school and well thats a big improvement considering last years fiasco ahaha. Big news im actually on a winter carnaval team I don't know if I spelled that right but whatever. The team im on consists of Zack, Dylan, Kevin, Mario (mexican friend haha), me , and Kyle. Sooo yeah got my projects done once again early... Passing all of Howes little reading quizes which amazes me since I hate reading. I bought Monica a rose today..Kinda ruined my plan when I did it though cause I forgot to write Anonymous on it cause I can't spell for poop....Ohh well. Ahhh Friday practicing with the girls.... Should be interesting since 2 of them are my ex's ahaha oh well I just hope they don't tackle me tooooo hard....

Monday, February 2, 2009

Rugby 1st day :)

Day started off normal enough. It wasn't until 3rd period when I was struck by a very beautiful girl in my 3rd period who just started talking to me. Well I messed that up.... like I usually do... I mumbled to much and she couldn't hear me soooooo like usual I turned red with embarassment and found something to run too.... Ahhhh Rugby was intense I think we have a strong team. Good laughs... Cortes and me racing during sprints and him dying of sweat... ahhhhh followed Colby's advice ice baths do work on tensed up muscles like tonight. Ahhhh interesting enough I did all my homework for the night and did my assignments due for next week. Studied for my permit (boring) but neccessary. Ahhh well thats about it. Lets see how tomorrow goes

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Soooo yeah its been a while. I spent the weekend in some little town that no one has heard of to see my brother almost become a basketball champion. I stress the word almost for the greasers from across the pond stole it from us (I only call them greasers because I was rooting for my bro) anyways yes... sucks.... Ahhhhhh after that I returned home to my lovely house... studying for a 3rd attempt on my permit...... hahaha jeeze.... Ahhhhh tomorrow should be interesting returning to the game I know and love. I really want to return that cup to MVHS it would make a really graduating gift but JMH is in the way.... Oh well they lost flannagan so im not as worried... Jesus that guy could take on 4 of our guys... Hopefully I can do the same eventually but anyways thats about it. Wish me luck!