Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sweet... yum

So yeahhh... First day back at school today. Alot better then I expected a few laughs here and there... First period today was interesting... My teacher mr.Howe has a big interest in classical music from the 1800's so it would seem.. Some girl I've never met in my life sat beside me which is really weird since usually no one sits beside beside me unless they have to... ahhhhh Greg failed one of his exams soo he probably can't graduate which makes me laugh but I still pity the lad... Either from that it was a very uneventful day.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My First Blog posting wooooo

Hey people... Kinda new to this whole blog things... So anyways yeah. Today has been not very dramatic as usual. Got up called work because Im just in love with my job......Yeah right.... What else.... I woke up in my living room and for some reason I was watching some show about kinky devices used to do kinky stuff to the people who use them... NOOOO IDEA how that happened. Im still going through the dilema of women in my life. 3 interesting women.... One I feel is tooo young for me but very beautiful but what is 3 years? ahhhhhhhhhhh hahahaha one lives 10,000 miles across the ocean from me...... and the last one is a bit of a alcoholic but after yesterday she said she's quitted. Good news is I have this great feeling of joy on me prom, graduation, and rugby are coming up but I feel these things are gonna get me too busy from my school work. Which is a little scary considering im doing alot better then last year.. Thanks to certain social disasters in my life that have cooled down :) . I is excited for school =D